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committees and issues 2024
Climate change and justice

Depending on the committees, the debates will be held in French or English  - These choices are subject to change at the discretion of the ClerMUN Team.

UN Security Council (English)​

What measures should be taken to guarantee the security of small island states against rising sea levels?


How can the drying up and pollution of the world’s great lakes and rivers be curbed?


WHO - World Health Organization (English)​

What response could be given to the impacts of natural disasters worsened by global change on the well-being of populations?


What international framework could be put in place to efficiently respond to new deadly pandemics caused by the melting down of the Permafrost?


IOM - International Organization for Migration (English)

How can the flows of refugees from regions impacted by climate change be guaranteed a safe and sound global circulation?


What international legal framework can be put in place for climate refugees? 



FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization (English)

How can the food and water security in countries threatened by desertification be ensured?

What agricultural model to feed a constantly increasing population while limiting deforestation?


What agricultural model to feed a constantly increasing population while limiting deforestation?



OIT - Organisation Internationale du Travail (Français)​

Comment les entreprises et multinationales peuvent elles limiter les impacts du réchauffement climatique et permettre une transition juste et équitable ?


Comment répondre à l’impact du réchauffement climatique sur la résurgence du travail des enfants dans le monde ?


CIJ - Cour Internationale de Justice (Français)

Plainte de la République Coopérative du Guyana contre la République Bolivarienne du Venezuela concernant la prétention de souveraineté et volonté d’annexion illégales de la région de Guayana Esequiba.


Plainte de la République arabe d’Egypte contre le projet de barrages sur le Nil de la République démocratique fédérale d'Éthiopie.

ClerMUN- Masillon EBI - Clermont-Ferrand

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