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Hôtel de Région de Clermont Ferrand

59 Boulevard Léon Jouhaux

CS 90706

63050 Clermont-Ferrand

Cedex 2


Getting to Clermont-Ferrand

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Clermont-Ferrand is located in central France. It is an hour and a half

from Lyon and four hours from Paris, by car.

The city has an international airport. If you can't find a direct flight

from your departure city, you stop over at Paris or Lyon airports.



From Paris, you can take a direct flight, less than an hour long, to Clermont-Fd. Otherwise, you may opt for the train. There are several, every day. The trip takes three and a half hours.


From Lyon, you can take the train or a bus, which is faster. Depending on the number of people interested, we may organize a bus shuttle between Lyon airport, or a strategic key place in the city, and Clermont-Fd.

Getting around and to the venue

To get around during your stay, you may walk or use public transport ( T2C services ), which serve all of Clermont-Ferrand and the surrounding area, making travel between the various places of the event, your accommodation and tourist sites quick fast and easy.

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