Meet The Team
Direction Team
We coordinate and assign the teams, but also keep them motivated to carry out the project.
Secretary General: Emile GORGEON MERINO
We are supported by adults:
> Véronique BAYLE - Director of ClerMUN
> Anne FAIDY - Sponsors referent et log/events
> Solenne GALICHET - Log/administration referent
> Laetitia LAURENT - Communication referent
> Philippe VENDRYES - Training referent.
We take care of the preparation and organization of the debates, which constitute the very essence of a MUN.
Nola MONTEZIN: President UNSC (English)
Margaux MINVIELLE: President UNSC (English)
Tristan DUPLATRE: President UNSC (Français)
Clément TISSUT: President UNSC (Français)
Annaëlle JULHES: Chair UNHCR
Juliette PORET: Chair UNHCR
Faustina SCELZO: Chair UNHCR
Barbara DET: Chair FAO
Camille TISSUT : Chair FAO
Thomas BINDE: Chair WHO
Louise GUERIN: Chair WHO
Romain AMBROGIO: President ICJ
Timothée DESCHAUMES: Judge ICJ
Training Managers: Clément TISSUT; Thomas BINDE and Romain AMBROGIO
SPONSORS and Treasury
Our objective is to collect funds in order to feed the project and to manage the finances that this generates.
We work together with the logistics team who are always there to help us :)
We validate the conditions of realization of the project, prepare the event by taking care of registrations and we will ensure the good progress of this first edition of ClerMUN.
We take care of sharing information about the event, ensuring media coverage, and also ensuring good communication between the different teams by acting as a relay throughout the project, before, during and after the event.
We take care of the digital tools necessary for the organization and communication of the event, including this website, which will provide you with information on the ClerMUN project and event.
Véronique BAYLE
Logistics / eventS
We prepare both the ceremonies related to the event and extra-event tourist or entertainment activities for those participants who want to visit our beautiful region!
USG logistics : Louise KREMSER
USG events : Baptiste CLEMENT