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ClerMUN 2023 

ClerMUN in FerMUN in Geneva (2024)

17 ClerMUN delegates had the opportunity to take part in FerMUN, in Geneva, with an opening ceremony at the UN and debates at the International Labor Organization.  No fewer than 560 high school students from 22 different countries were present. Very interesting issues and an opportunity to learn more about the tripartite organization that is the ILO!

Thanks to FerMUN for inviting us :)

ClerMUN in FerMUN in Geneva (2023)

10 ClerMUN delegates had the opportunity to participate in FerMUN, in Geneva, with an opening ceremony at the UN premises.   No less than 500 students from 20 different schools were present. An unforgettable experience!

Thanks to FerMUN for inviting us :)

ClerMUN 2022 - Theme: Resources

Video presentation of 2022 theme

by Marie and Elodie (Voice-over: Ashley)

Secretary General's Opening speech


ClerMUN 2022

RIMUN 2022

A delegation of 10 students had the opportunity to participate in the @rimun (MUN of SciencePo Paris, on the Reims campus). They were able to debate and do so while being immersed, engaging with several students from various backgrounds and were able to confront their points of view. They were thus able to open up to new global issues and came away enriched by this exceptional experience. Two of our delegates, Mathieu DESSAIX and Adrien MOREL received an honourable mention, congratulations to them and thanks to all!

Thank you to Rimun for inviting us to participate in this fabulous project!

ClerMUN 1st International Edition

November 8-10, 2021

Click on one picture to see ALL the pictures 

ClerMUN 1st Edition, a local one

May 19-20, at Massillon (our school :)

ClerMUN CAMP February 8th- 9th, 2021

MockMUN 2

MockMUN 1

MockMun 2